For the technologically minded, a move to a new home brings a unique set of opportunities. An opportunity to get the perfect calibration for their home cinema system. A chance to install the perfect smart speaker array to get seamless music streaming from room-to-room, and an opportunity to install dramatic new statement lighting that can be adjusted to suit their mood and achieve the desired ambience for any given occasion.
But smart home services can also help you to save money on the essentials. At Smarthomes, we understand the importance of leveraging smart technologies to save money on utilities.
Especially in light of the current energy crisis.
Why is it so important to set up gas and electricity in your new home?
According to the energy experts at Switch-Plan, many home movers lose money on their energy bills when they arrive in their new homes. This is because they are automatically placed on a ‘deemed contract’ with the incumbent energy supplier as soon as they move in. Under this contract, they are typically placed on the supplier’s standard variable tariff. Which is often their most expensive. Especially at a time when a sharp rise in wholesale energy costs has pushed tariffs to an all-time high.
Switching to a new energy tariff as close to your moving day as possible can help you to save money on your utilities, and smart home services can help you to capitalise even further on those savings. Among the devices that can help you save money on your utility bills are…
Smart plugs
Energy vampires like TVs, home media players, stereos, games consoles and anything else left on standby mode overnight can push up your energy bills over time. Smart plugs enable you to switch any wired device in your home on or off, no matter where you are. Forgot that you left something switched on before going to bed? No problem. You can switch it off remotely from your smartphone as you hunker down for the night. Left the TV on when you went to work? You can switch it off from your desk in seconds.
Smart lighting
Smart lighting can change intensity and hue depending on the ambience you want to create, showcasing your home beautifully and transforming your space depending on the mood of the occasion. What’s more, smart lighting uses energy-efficient LEDs which are more efficient than CFL bulbs and significantly more efficient than old incandescent bulbs.
Smart thermostats
Finally, a smart thermostat is arguably your greatest weapon in the fight against high heating bills. It enables you to control your home’s heating no matter where you are. What’s more, it gets to know your household’s whereabouts throughout the day and can prevent heat energy from being wasted in rooms that are usually unoccupied.
Finally, a smart thermostat is arguably your greatest weapon in the fight against high heating bills. It enables you to control your home’s heating no matter where you are. What’s more, it gets to know your household’s whereabouts throughout the day and can prevent heat energy from being wasted in rooms that are usually unoccupied.
Used properly, a smart thermostat can save the average household around £300 per year on their heating costs.